What is a turbo template?

A turbo template is Web3 application that demonstrates how to utilize a Web3 primitive.

Templates generally utilize multiple integrations to demonstrate a more complete application.

We recommend using the TurboETH CLI to bootstrap a new project for your template with only the integrations and networks you need.


đŸĢ° NFT Snaps | Demo

The NFT Snaps templates shows developers how to interact with ERC721 smart contract and upload files to IPFS.

Built by @McOso

đŸ’ŗ Giftee Cards | Demo

The Giftee Card template shows developers how to use the Delegatable framework.

Built by @McOso + KamesGeraghty

đŸĒŠ Disco App Template | Demo

The Disco App Template helps building next generation identity applications powered by Disco.

Built by @hexcowboy + KamesGeraghty

🏛ī¸ Tally App Template | Demo

The Tally App template helps building governance applications powered by Tally and OpenAI.

Built by @VitorMarthendal + KamesGeraghty

đŸĻ Banks | Demo

Banks is a template for the upcoming PoolTogether V5 hyperstructure.

Built by KamesGeraghty