If you are using the TurboETH CLI, it will automatically configure the application to connect to the networks and providers you specify. If you are not using the CLI or want to manually configure the application, you can do so by following the instructions below.

Configuration: /config/networks.ts


Popular JSON-RPC blockchain providers like Alchemy and Infura can be automatically enabled by adding their service API keys to environment variables.


The API keys are made public. We recommend whitelisting your domains when deploying to production


Depending on the node environment (NODE_ENV) different networks will be enabled in the application.

You can update the default configurations in the /config/networks.ts file.


  • Sepolia (11155111)
  • Goerli (42)
  • Polygon Mumbai (80001)
  • Celo Alfajores (44787)
  • Gnosis Chiado (10200)
  • Avalanche Fuji (43113)
  • Hardhat (31337)

export const ETH_CHAINS_TEST = [goerli, sepolia, polygonMumbai, celoAlfajores, gnosisChiado, avalancheFuji, hardhat]

Layer 2 Testing

  • Base Goerli (84531)
  • Optimism Goerli (420)
  • Arbitrum Goerli (421613)

`export const ETH_CHAINS_L2_TEST = [baseGoerli, optimismGoerli, arbitrumGoerli]


  • Mainnet (1)
  • Optimism (10)
  • Arbitrum (42161)
  • Polygon (137)
  • Celo (42220)
  • Gnosis (100)
  • Avalanche (43114)

export const ETH_CHAINS_PROD = [mainnet, optimism, arbitrum, polygon, celo, gnosis, avalanche]