The TurboETH Command Line Interface (CLI) is the suggested avenue for initiating your journey with TurboETH. The CLI offers a selection of integrations, providers, and networks to help bootstrap your project quickly and effectively.

For a comprehensive understanding of the TurboETH CLI, refer to the TurboETH CLI GitHub repository and the npm package create-turbo-eth.

Embark on your TurboETH adventure with the CLI by executing the following command in your terminal:

pnpm create turbo-eth@latest

Project Name

Post the command execution, you will be prompted to input a project name. This name will define the directory for your newly created project.


Subsequently, you will be asked to select the integrations you desire for your project. Each integration is modular and can be independently added or removed as per your requirements.


Then, the CLI will ask you to pick the providers for your project. The template currently extends support for the following providers:

Environment Variables

You have the option to configure your environment variables manually (for detailed instructions, visit here). Alternatively, the CLI also offers an interactive setup for configuring environment variables during project scaffolding. You can skip configuring specific variables by pressing β€˜Enter’.

Production Networks

The CLI will prompt you to select the production networks for your project.

Test Networks

Following this, the CLI will ask you to choose your preference for testnet networks. If you press β€˜n’, only the testnets from the earlier selected production chains will be added. Selecting β€˜y’ will allow you to pick a different set of testnets.

Install Dependencies and Initiate Git Repository

In the end, the CLI will inquire if you want to install the dependencies and initialize a Git repository. By selecting β€˜y’, the CLI will execute pnpm install and git init for you.

Launch Your Project

Upon the CLI’s successful completion of project scaffolding, you can start running it by typing the following commands in your terminal:

cd <project-name>
pnpm dev

In case you encounter any bugs or have a feature request, kindly open an issue on GitHub.