ERC1155 is a comprehensive multi-token standard within the Ethereum ecosystem.

It provides a standardized interface for contracts that can simultaneously handle multiple token types. With ERC1155, a single contract can encompass a vast range of tokens, be they purely fungible, non-fungible, or even semi-fungible in nature. This adaptability makes it a powerful tool for developers, allowing for intricate token economies and interactions under a unified contract framework.


Folder Structure:

├─ artifacts/
|  ├─ core/
│  |  ├─ erc1155-abi.ts
│  |  ├─ erc1155-bytecode.ts
|  ├─ test/
│  |  ├─ erc1155-abi.ts
│  |  ├─ erc1155-bytecode.ts
├─ components/
│  ├─ erc1155-deploy.tsx
│  ├─ erc1155-name.tsx
│  ├─ erc1155-owner-of.tsx
│  ├─ erc1155-read.tsx
│  ├─ erc1155-set-token-storage.tsx
│  ├─ erc1155-symbol.tsx
│  ├─ erc1155-token-uri-description.tsx
│  ├─ erc1155-token-uri-image.tsx
│  ├─ erc1155-token-uri-name.tsx
│  ├─ erc1155-token-uri.tsx
│  ├─ erc1155-contract-uri.tsx
│  ├─ erc1155-total-supply.tsx
│  ├─ erc1155-write-approve.tsx
│  ├─ erc1155-write-mint.tsx
│  ├─ erc1155-write-transfer.tsx
│  ├─ erc1155-write-batch-transfer.tsx
├─ generated/
│  ├─ erc1155-wagmi.ts
├─ hooks/
│  ├─ use-erc1155-metadata.ts
│  ├─ use-erc1155-token-storage.ts
├─ utils/
│  ├─ types.ts
├─ index.ts
├─ wagmi.config.ts