ERC721 is a prevalent non-fungible token (NFT) standard within the Ethereum ecosystem.

Introduced in 2018, the ERC721 standard specifies a set of rules that all non-fungible Ethereum tokens must follow. As one of the first non-fungible token standards on Ethereum, ERC721 has played a critical role in the NFT boom, facilitating seamless interaction and trade of unique assets and items across various platforms and marketplaces.


Folder Structure:

ā”œā”€ abis/
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ erc721-abi.ts
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ erc721-bytecode.ts
ā”œā”€ components/
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ erc721-deploy.tsx
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ erc721-name.tsx
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ erc721-owner-of.tsx
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ erc721-read.tsx
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ erc721-set-token-storage.tsx
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ erc721-symbol.tsx
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ erc721-token-uri-description.tsx
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ erc721-token-uri-image.tsx
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ erc721-token-uri-name.tsx
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ erc721-total-supply.tsx
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ erc721-write-approve.tsx
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ erc721-write-mint.tsx
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ erc721-write-transfer.tsx
ā”œā”€ generated/
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ erc721-wagmi.ts
ā”œā”€ hooks/
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ use-erc721-metadata.ts
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ use-erc721-token-storage.ts
ā”œā”€ utils/
ā”‚  ā”œā”€ types.ts
ā”œā”€ index.ts
ā”œā”€ wagmi.config.ts